Wednesday, June 2, 2010

calculator purba yg gabak besonyer!!!!!

kwn2,,,korng mst xcaye tgk pic nie,,,skali tgk cm peti ais beso nyer,,ehehhe,,,,,tp nie la calculator yg terawal d gunakan,,,,beso x???tgk la nombor nyer pown unik tau,,,,cm peti suggestion kat bank2 o post ofcce pown ad gak,,,,,hahahahha,,,,penggunaan nyer pown rumit sket la,,,korng kene tolak joystick tuh ke ats n kebawah,,,,ikot nombor mane yg korng nk la,,,,,pastuh,,,klu nk +-/ juz tekan jew buton tuh,,,,,den korng pusing jew tombol tepi tuh,,kua lah jawapan,,,hahahah,,,tp skunk mmg la sanggih,,,da xpakai da natang beso gabak cm nie,,,,teknologi yg terlalu pesat mmbangun,,,maju,,,ak tgh imagine nie klu ak idup zaman calculator nie,,,,huh,,,,antik2,,,,


  1. jai:kan,,,,yela,,,klu u i bg kakulater antik tuk u kre budget nk x???hehheh,,,

  2. Nice Gadget... I wonder if i can use it for add maths??

  3. jaer:haahah,,,,,it's useful,,,but it's diffcult to bring,,,to big leh,,,ehehhe,,,thx,,,mish ya,,

  4. Dropping by ere. =). Smiles.. Do drop by to mine too yeah. =)

  5. there is no way this is a calculator. so BIG lah. wuish,

  6. hahahaha,,,,baling anjing 1,,,,,but nice leh,,,keep thinki' now,,,where dey got idea to create all dis,,,eheheh
